Real Life Basketball Classic Base Game

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Includes Game Instructions, Fast Action Deck, Original Rate Your Own Teams instructions, 8 All-Time Great NBA Teams, 4 All-Time College Teams and plenty of nostalgia from the original game, including bonus teams.

Before anything, I must thank Jerry Faulk for granting us the rights to re-release the game. This game is far and away my Dad's favorite of all time. He has played thousands and thousands of games. It has been a real honor for all of us to bring Real Life Basketball back to the tabletop.

Let us start with a bit of history. There were at least 6 different revisions of Real Life Basket ball. Four were done by Jerry Faulk and Gamecraft. At least two others were done by Valgames. The game was originally released as "Basketball Pro Style" and then changed to Real/Life Basketball when college teams were introduced.

There are merits and flaws to every different revision. We have called this Real Life Basketball Classic, as we have concentrated on the first four revisions for this re-release. These versions featured floor play and separate INSIDE and OUTSIDE shooting ratings, which are the two most obvious ways to recognize them from the later revisions.

While our re-release is based on the earlier, and more pure version of the game, we have completely "gone through" the game tweaking and implementing new features to bring it into the 21st Century.

Let us briefly look at some of the changes and tweaks. This is really just a highlight, as there are many other changes that I am certainly forgetting.

+ All ratings have been revised and tweaked for greater accuracy.
+ Several Fast Action results have been modified for accuracy.
+ All results now come from the FACs. There are no external charts.
+ Defensive ratings are all now based on the individual player, rather than team defense.
+ The Floor Play system has changed. Everything, including modifications for different spots on the floor is "built in" to the FACs.
+ Three Point Shooting has been implemented much better. (At the time of the game's original release, only the ABA used the 3PT line and the system was tacked on)
+ The way Assists are handled is completely revised and much more accurate.
+ STEALS, BLOCKS and TURNOVERS are all greatly improved in implementation.
+ High Volume scorers like Wilt Chamberlain, for example, will now replicate real life tendencies.
+ High Volume rebounders like Dennis Rodman, for example, will accurately impact the game as they would in real life.
+ Home Court Advantage is more accurately represented.
+ We have implemented a PACE system, to replicate a team's playing style, which is used in conjunction with the FAST BREAK system.
+ Players are rated for each team they played for, as well as a "TOTAL" card for draft league players.

We have implemented so many minor tweaks, it is hard to recall them all.

The game is still timed via the FAST ACTION deck, making it a breeze to play and track player fatigue. With RLB, there is no external "clock" or shots to count, like other games. With RLB, as with the original, you just play the game. The FAC deck handles timing.

You can use any of the ratings from the OLD versions of the game with the new FACs with some minor modifications.

We have included the "Rate Your Own" instructions from the original game. While they differ a great deal from our updated ratings, they will work.

NORMALIZATION: All ratings in RLB are normalized. That means each player's rating takes into account the variation in skill from the earlier years of the NBA to present. Hence, you can play 2012 Miami against 1970 New York. In REAL LIFE BASKETBALL the results will be as in real life...within probability.

The remainder is from the 1974 Promotional Material for the game. I think this is nostalgic, as well as informative. Mr. Faulk wrote great promotional material. And I always enjoy the customer comments you find in old board game ads.

Truly a basketball fan's idea of the complete table game. REAL LIFE BASKETBALL makes all others seem like second rate substitutes. Blending accuracy with gamesmanship, RLB allows you to reproduce the performance of the teams to the last statistical detail or, if you prefer, to make trades, strategy changes, and substitutions in an attempt to coach your favorite team to the championship.

The crucial design problem for basketball games is how to reproduce accurate stats and yet achieve reasonable playing time. RLB accomplishes this by its unique deck of Play Action Cards. There are no dice to roll, no spinners to spin. You merely turn the Play Action Cards and enjoy the game. After developing a pattern of play, it is possible to complete a game in less than an hour while keeping a full set of statistics!

Player cards are included for each player that played in a game. TOTAL player cards are also included for draft league players. Each player is rated for his ability at inside, outside, and foul shooting; rebounding-both offensive and defensive; assists; ball handling; fouling; shot blocking; steals; injuries; fatigue; and defense.

With Real Life Basketball you build your line-s using whatever players you wish...follow actual lineups or make some trades. You make the vital decisions to outguess your opponent in head-to-head play...or, if you prefer you can play solitaire. In either case, the players will respond with lifelike realism based upon a scientific statistical reconstruction of their actual performances.

Real life Basketball scores higher in pure fun than all similar simulation games, even to the smallest detail; many different play options...realistic impact of player fatigue and fouls...and a true-to-life court locations factor. Best of all, instructions are included for customizing the Play Action Deck for each team: Boston will Fast-break, Chicago will run a pattern offense.

This game will project you right into the center of the basketball world embracing the hundreds of players on the various teams. You'll maintain your own leagues backed by statistics. Run Divisional playoffs....Conference Championships...up to your own Championship Final. Could 1975 Boston have beaten 1965 Philadelphia? With RLB you can discover for yourself!

Don't Delay. Order Today.

Here is what customers have said about our game:

"The events and possibilities are sometimes frighteningly realistic, thus creating an exciting, plausible game." -R.K., New Castle, Pennsylvania

"No other game I have played compares to RLB." -J.H., Shaw, Mississippi

"The realism of the game is uncanny." -T.H., Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania

"The Play Action Cards give the player control of the game and also enable him to visualize the action better. I like your game very much." -J.E., Englewood, CO

"This game is the only game I have found to come close to real basketball. Thank You!" -E.H., Delmar, Deleware

"Excellent Detail in floor play and in player ratings." -J.B., Riverdale, Illinois


Current Reviews: 1

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 17 May, 2013.

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